The most war-torn entity to come out of the Yugoslav conflict,looking back at it from this point in time,most people would rather not think of a new state,but rather keep what they have now.Currently BiH is experiencing a high unemployment rate,with frustration over government and the problem of Republika Srpska the country is not looking far better then the state back when it gained independence.What i see as a possible future in BiH is not that bright,sure the country might later apply for EU membership,but certanly wouldn't be accepted before some other major players leave,and it would be more of a move to strengthen the EU by sheer numbers rather than a move to help mend the situation in BiH.As for the ethnic tensions that are still very relevant and present,i see them subsiding a bit,but still,they would be lurking in the shadows,just waiting for their opportunity to pounce and victimise one of the nationalities inhabiting the state.Republika Srpska would still be a thorn in Bosnia's eye,as it covers almost 50% of the land a bit less than half of the population it still would still have a large role to play in international as well as inside politics of the country.BiH might also start to be viewed badly in the eyes of the west,seeing as one of the larger islamic populations of Europe,ISIS might start forcing or spreading propaganda within the country.I'm not talking here that people would go of neccesarily to fight for the organisation in Syria,but rather that it could potentially serve them as a jumping board for some other locations in Europe.Tho such a bad image wouldnt be seen as a threat by Europe but also by the non-islamic peoples that live in the country,which might bring a bit of turmoil in the future.
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